Those of you, who know me, also know my dog Lucky. Lucky is a Sitzu that has been part of our family for the past 10 years. A while back, Lucky and I were out for a short walk – he doesn’t like long walks. When Lucky decided to take care of business, I diverted my eyes to give him a little privacy. When I looked down, I saw the biggest four-leaf clover. It was much bigger than the surrounding clover and seemed to radiate and just jump out at me. Now, if this had happened three months ago, I would have plucked that thing and rushed out to the nearest convenience store to buy a lottery ticket. But with all that was happening, I wasn’t feeling very lucky, and let it be while we finished our walk. Later, I shared it with my family; the girls were amazed that I had found it and even took some photos. Eventually, we plucked it and pressed it between some books. That was a month ago and I still haven’t bought that lottery ticket. Instead I use that four-leaf clover to remind me how lucky I have been – wonderful childhood, loving wife, healthy bright children, close relationship with my parents and siblings, wonderful in-laws, a career I am proud of, coworkers who are also good friends…I could go on, but you get the idea. I quietly hope and pray that allowing me to find that four-leaf clover is God’s way of telling me that everything will be all right. In the mean time it is a reminder to take time and enjoy the little things and of how lucky I truly am.
We are "Lucky" to have you in our life too. I'm not being cheesy about this, as your previous blog entry states--"just the facts, but with feeling". JuDean