Wednesday, June 9, 2010

How Am I Doing Doc?

A couple weeks ago I was having some pain and other symptoms, and was scheduled for another CT Scan. I met with my Oncologist the next day, however they had not received a comparison scan from MD Anderson, and were unable to compare the two to see how the tumors were reacting to the chemotherapy. Today, I met with my Oncologist again and was told that after they compared the scans, there was no significant change, and that he was certain the abdominal pain I was having was due to the formation of scar tissue and not from a tumor. I was also told that some of the other pain issues I was having; upper back, chest, and pelvis, were common nonspecific pains that are seen quite frequently after major surgery and during chemotherapy. I am not sure what I expected to hear, but know what I wanted to hear. I guess this will give me another month to heal and pray that the tumors are getting smaller.

1 comment:

  1. every little pain and we think the worst. It's good they took a scan so now you can put your fears to rest and know at least the cancer cells have not grown and put your trust in the fact that each treatment you have, more of those bad cells are being destroyed. Keep your strength up and build up the good cells again.
