It’s funny what thoughts come to mind while just sitting there listening to the click thump of the chemo pump. I was about to nod off when I recalled a simple life lesson I learned a long time ago. When I was in first grade, our next-door neighbor had a row of tulips that grew along the east side of her house. I’m not sure what I was thinking at the time, except that I wanted to give my mom a bunch of these flowers for our kitchen table. I am pretty sure that I pulled up six or so tulips in different colors and was so proud when I presented them to my mom. I could tell that my mom was touched by my gesture and it struck me as funny when she asked where I had gotten them. “They were growing over by the neighbor’s house,” I said. After realizing that I had made a mess of the flower bed, by pulling the tulips, my mom let me know that our neighbor would wonder what had happened to her flower bed, and that I should go and talk to her. Then mom displayed the tulips on the table, just like I had envisioned. I don’t remember much about being six years old, but do remember the look on my mother’s face as we walked up to the door. I can only describe it as “sorrowful pride”. Sorrow that I was going to have to explain that I had pulled some of those tulips, unintentionally making a mess, and the pride that I had picked those flowers just for her. Our neighbor was not home, so mom and I did our best to tidy up the mess, and made plans to talk to her later. Our neighbor was one of the nicest neighbors we could have had. The life lesson I learned that day – While your intentions might be to simply make someone happy, you should always consider how your actions might affect other people. That simple life lesson I was taught at such a young age, has stuck with me for forty years and helped give me the morals that I value so much. I recall that life lesson every spring when the tulips come up. I don’t think that my mother could have handled that situation any better! Thanks Mom!
Hummmm I think maybe you put this pretty mild. I think I was probably a little more upset than you remember. Glad you remember only the nicer side of it. I remember too being so glad she wasn't home. mom
ReplyDeleteHi, Tony
ReplyDeleteI'm a friend of JuDean and also know your mom and dad. Just wanted to let you know that I'm praying for you as well as your family. Don't underestimate that power. God is already working on the answer.