Monday, November 1, 2010

This little cricket

A while back, I decided to clean up the shop. It had gotten a little shabby and was in dire need of a good sweeping. After I swept all that sawdust into a tidy pile, I noticed some movement. It seemed that I had swept up a little cricket in with the sawdust. I was feeling compassionate and didn’t want to throw that cricket in the tall garbage can (just saw dust, no food scraps) and let him go hungry and eventually end up crushed by the garbage truck. I tried to shoo this little cricket out of the sawdust, but he just kept burrowing himself deeper in the pile. After several unsuccessful attempts of “shooing”, I decided on a different plan of action and began picking the larger chunks of wood out of the pile. I was going to toss the remaining sawdust out into the yard and let this little cricket enjoy a better fate than the garbage truck was going to provide. After spending some time with that little cricket, it got me thinking. There are times when I remember acting the same way, afraid of the unknown and not knowing what to do, except bury myself in a pile of sawdust. I am thankful that God is working to help give me options, and even though I may not make the right decisions, he is still looking out for me and guiding me through some rough times.


  1. In our devotion, I just read, "Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you." I Peter 5:7 I know this is true for you, too. L & L

  2. Doesn't surprise me a bit that you would care about a cricket. You have always been very caring to people ----in the same way, You are very much cared about by Christ and he will help you out of the "sawdust". M
